The finding of good cause should recognize that individuals may also face threats to their safety by virtue of their profession, business or status and by . 50 rounds each at 15, 10 and 5 yards. Individuals who reside in Alameda County may apply for a Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) license. Because of this, it is vital to understand the California Good Cause Law before submitting one's application to obtain a CCW Permit. (14) Business owners who are at heightened risk due to valuables associated with their profession or business activities (e.g., Au/Ag dealers, jewelry dealers, MD/pharmacists/pharma sales rep, business owner or landlord making cash sales or rental deposits, maybe NRA Instructor, RSO and FFL dealers due to regularly transporting "inherently dangerous property"). ), (6) Recreational activities that put you at a heightened risk due to the property's value or equipment's inherent danger (e.g., Craig's List seller/buyer, avid shooter who transports several semi auto pistols, rifles and/or shotguns and hundreds of rounds to various ranges or C&R collector). Include as much detail as you feel necessary, keeping in mind that specific events or threats may need to be supported with documentation including police reports. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This is HUGE for LA County residents. Goto the link below for information Would that work in SB you think? Privacy Policy. The letter will be sent out under the name of the Sheriff, "By" the reviewing sergeant pursuant to Section J 0100 of the Sheriff's Office Policy and Procedure Manual. Each individual has her/her own Good Cause, and this A California Sheriff has broad discretion as provided in Penal Code Section 26150(a) to issue a CCW to those qualified Riverside County citizens that demonstrate both "good cause" and "good moral character. My interview date is 12/8/21. darkand/orintheearlymorninghourswhenothersarestillasleep. And being an armed guard for your employer is not likely to fly either. (For proof use photos of activities, value of equipment/property, sales receipts, copy of club membership card, photos of trophies won, training certificates, C&R license. When a business or occupation is of a high-risk nature and requires the applicant's presence in a dangerous environment. It helps if you have a documented stalker. Due to this, I felt that I was at personal risk. endstream endobj 100 0 obj <. Placer County The Sheriff, upon proof that the person applying is of good moral character, that the person applying satisfies residency or business location requirements, and has completed a course of training may issue to that person a carry concealed weapons license. Seems like you were able to strongly prove evidence of you being at high risk for attack without having solid threats made at you. Maybe protection from animals, little to no reception, slow LE response time for that? A new Carry a Concealed Weapon, or CCW, unit within the Sheriff's Department could increase an already rising number of permits issued within Los Angeles County, those familiar with the CCW. When I lived there it was red/yellow. For these reasons, I am requesting that I be granted a concealed weapons permit. (13) Business owners required to work at all hours in remote locales with little or no cellphone coverage and/or long LE response times (e.g., professional farmer or rancher, wilderness photographer, surveyor, contractor). In accordance with California Penal Code 26150 et. What is the frequency? remoteareaswithlimitedcellphoneservice. discussion, the topic "preparing for your CCW interview". Rob Bonta has advised California law enforcement agencies that the "good cause". By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. They now have 4. And what good cause can look like for people. The sensitive data on there would be credentials, diagrams, etc. It was obvious to me they were not there for business reasons. Im in Kern, dark green, I had a dui and got a CCW 5 years later. Threats to personal safety may be verbal or demonstrated through actual harm committed in the place of work, neighborhood or regular routes of travel for business. Renewal was way way less shots at the same distances. copyrighted material. I grew up shooting with my father who is a retired Downey Police Department officer. This subreddit is for the civil discussion of all things regarding California gun laws, rules, regulations and ownership. You need to articulate why you are personally at riskcould be as simple as felon release programs, rising crime in your area, antifa/BLM riots, and LE not being adequately funded. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Feeling that their questions were suspicious and that their back story lacked details, I made quick work of reloading my vehicle and gave them the impression that I had completed riding and was on my way out. RiversideCountyCCWcourseofferedbyDefensiveTacticsandFirearms. If other people have any experiences I would love to hear them. Placer County currently accepts a good cause statement of 'Self Defense'. Not from there but surprised Monterey is dark green. For the first time ever, LA County has gone down to the Yellow Tier for Good Cause when issuing out CCW permits. However when I take the number of CCW permits for 2014/2015 (only counting 2015 where info is available, using 2014 when no 2015 data is available) I come up with ~76,233 statewide. residency and 24 out of 25 did not follow their own policy on GC. Step 2 The Who, What, Where, How, and When Details1. And we have a conservative sherriff. 504 E Alvarado St. #207 Fallbrook, CA 92028 760.451.6694. A. I put down that I play in a band at various locations in Bakersfield (Kern), I carry thousands of dollars worth of equipment and load and unload at night. The bicycles and equipment are transported three to four times a week by myself to remote areas of the county where law enforcement presence is minimal and response times can be very long. you and me both. is the back up forum for the . What do they want? Get letter from employer supporting the application and willingness to accept liability, copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job, etc N.B. Good cause for extending the time limit. That's roughly 1 out of 500 people, infants, druggies, felons, and hookers included. When you move to that free state, take me with you haha. Already one person with a "light red" Good Cause has been approved for a CCW. Please note that these are his words, not mine. Ive seen people comment on the Sonoma calguns thread using that as good cause and but they havent followed up yet. ProTip: Avoid saying "because cops are useless road pirates". For more information, please see our Good Cause Statements Defensive Tactics and Firearms, LLC Do you have self-defense & firearms insurance? Not necessarily. Due to the nature of being a competitive cyclist and engineer, I frequently transport equipment in my vehicle that is of high value as well as ride the bicycles in remote areas that makes me a target for theft. About 2 out of every 1000 Californians has a CCW permit. Yellow county might as well be red. All the below Good Causes will likely pass in a Dark Green county. where i'm at, the sheriff wants everyone to carry. Sonoma County CCW Information Sonoma County CCW Information, Records, and Analysis Sheriff: Steve Freitas Department: Sonoma County Sheriff's Department Address: 2796 Ventura Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA, 95403 Phone: (707) 565-2781 Fax: (707) 565-6018 CCW Web link: If your county is not listed above, we do not have information on thegood cause (or Theres a whole forum dedicated to applying in the different counties with one thread per county. 43: 2,253: carry in restaurants and common carriers. Copyright 2014-2022 Defensive Tactics and Firearms, LLC. The article in the SacBee that I reference shows Fresno as the highest and SF as lowest, but that's in the total number of permits. Police report #18-976543. While conversing with me, they asked several questions about my equipment, showed interest in it and inquired about values. Include as much detail as you feel necessary, keeping in mind that specific events or threats may need to be supported with documentation including police reports. He was telling growers they should have firearms on hand to prevent rip offs and because his guys can't get there quickly enough most of the time. "The best gun is the one you'll have on you when you need it the most, the one you know how to use, the one that goes BANG every single time you pull the trigger. with the Placer County Sheriff's Department. 2N0 @f & This is not an uncommon environment for where I frequently train. That seems like a good sign. and our For example, someone who's work equipment is worth $10,000 (might pass Light Red) is assumed to be more at risk than someone who's equipment is worth only $1,000 (might pass Yellow). Just asked for a letter from my employer, Im on the board of the company. The space listed for lease is described as general office. While commuting to and from work or antiquing, I have encountered suspicious, vagrant people who I suspect to be users of drugs or apart of a criminal element have enquired about the nature of my job or what I am carrying in my vehicle in regards to the amount of tool or antiques I collect. (Personal protection/self defense is now a valid "just cause", and is included within your online CCW application All the below will likely pass in a Yellow county. just cause) requirements for that county. I was alone because I work late at night. There's time stamps to jump around. Remember: we should win a robust 2nd A RBA from SCOTUS by 2022 July 01. The space is on the 3rd floor. take your valuables or harm you, or both)3. Concealed Carry Discussion General discussion regarding CCW/LTC in California . What about "I carry thousands of dollars worth of gun at night, so would like to concealed carry it to protect the value of the gun I'm carrying". The examples of Good Cause required are provided as examples only. Ivebeenin, constructionforover15yearsandhavetraveledthroughoutSouthernCaliforniatovariousCountiesrangingfrom, LosAngelesandSanBernardinotodifferentjobsites. 60 Posts . Im looking to have a conversation and see what sort of good cause people have used for CCW applications. For these reasons, I am requesting that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.For these reasons, I feel that my life is in jeopardy and require the concealed weapons permit to comply with the law and protect my life.Because of this, I am afraid that I will be killed or injured. Note: These examples are not Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Traveling with equipment holding sensitive data is a valid reason. REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz Atty. This is Virtual No Issue because virtually none of us can get issued here. ..I do have another reason to conceal and it was because I go camping and offroading in the middle of nowhere with family all the time. . This subreddit is for the civil discussion of all things regarding California gun laws, rules, regulations and ownership. Liquor Store, Mini-Mart, Bank, Cash Only Business, Check Cashing or Hard Loan Business)5. I've been told the speed of your CCW here can be quicker if you take the class with a certain instructor, "take it with X and he's got you your CCW in 2 weeks," from a few folks now. You should investigate 120 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<8CCF1FA02749334FA2549FCE86109A97><9D2B9D5F6D12C54FB893DEB79BBCA059>]/Index[99 32]/Info 98 0 R/Length 103/Prev 158694/Root 100 0 R/Size 131/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream High end bicycles such as these are very attractive to thieves since their resale is very high. If an incomplete application package is . Iaskedthemtoleaveand, whentheyrefused,Ithreatenedtocontactthepolice. SF and Santa Clara, for awhile, were once this. 10-56971, 09-02371-IEG I N T HE United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit EDWARD PERUTA, et al., Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, et al., Defendants-Appellees. If a small minority of people attempt such an insurrection to grab power and enslave the people, the RKBA of the whole is our insurance against their success. Percent means per 100. Anti Slip Coating UAE (e.g. (SF, LA and Alameda have this as their only acceptable GC, but I've heard Alameda & LA do not approve or deny not in conformity to their published policy. whether or not your "good cause" is going to pass). Cookie Notice Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The OP should use 2014 Dec numbers from here when he doesn't have more recent numbers: It's B.S. Occasionally,mytradecallsformetoworksomenightswhenitsvery. Burglars, robbers, terrorists, drug dealers, rapists, or a specific threat)2. How will they attack you?Example: Because I walk my dogs late at night for exercise in a rural area, I fear I will be attacked by robbers looking for an easy target. Good Cause WorksheetWhat is the Sheriff looking for in a good cause statement?A good cause statement is a set of circumstances that distinguishes you from other members of the general public and causes you to be placed in harms way. Now what some may not know is how their personal "good cause" would fit in. Getting The Paperwork You can get the paperwork for concealed carry applications from any local law enforcement agency. A task of the business or occupation of the applicant requires transportation of large sums of money or other valuables and alternative protective measures or security cannot be employed.4. He has a wife and 3 very young daughters, hes had his life threatened by inmates countless times, and lives in a pretty big town where he frequently sees inmates out and about. Nevada County, Sierra, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sutter, Yuba County. Someoftheseareascanbedarkandsecluded. Healthcare, Industrial, Retail, Construction, etc.)3. The criminal element in question would easily be able to turn my tools and antiques into money due to the easy of selling such items. (e.g. High Crime work location or commute, remote area with slow Law Enforcement or Medical Response, or limited cell phone coverage)4. I made a video summarizing good cause and what that means in California counties based on the general color of them from the calguns map. Weekly? Mine didnt even interview me. Our Mission: To provide professionalinstruction andtraining Shows that people can work hard to prove it. For more information, please see our endstream endobj startxref Borrow as many of the reasons that fit for you, and then be sure you can document the reasons you use with evidence. Good Character- Applicants must have good character with respect to their ability to responsibly and safely carry and use a concealed weapon Good Cause- Proof that good cause exists for the issuance. While traveling to these areas and being staged in the areas the bicycles and equipment are visible to the general public, making me an easily spotted target for thieves. I am afraid that I will be killed or injured as a result of these activities. Just FYI you just proved Cokebottle was right, .001961496 is not a percentage until you move the decimal 2 places to the right. LASD under Sheriff Jim McDonnell was like this per the CSA's report: 25 out of 25 audited files did not follow their own CCW policy re. Ihonestlyfeltandbelieved. The "expensive stuff in my car" line is very acceptable with OCSD. In kern would something such as citing crime in the area, and bringing articles etc work?I work in I.T and transport computers including my own personals computers regularly but my work has a no gun policy so I believe that is a no-go. Also any training/trainer recommendations? from Best Handgun Training for additional information. use and activities. I used that I would some times make large cash deposits. The issuance of licenses enabling a private citizen to carry a concealed weapon (CCW) is of great concern to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. General discussion regarding CCW/LTC in California,,, CA DOJ BOF CCW issuance count from 1987-2007,,, The men claimed to be looking for a waterfall, but were lacking details I expected them to know. For more information, please see our Taft, California. Right now I shoot about once a month and completed my CCW training with Riverside Indoor Shooting Range where I have already qualified with my firearm. You may wish to do more research through the sheriff's This occurred in an area with poor cell phone reception where I was isolated and police response time would be considerable. I've heard that you may need to apply to the specific city you're in 1st (through the LAPD . DearRiversideCountySheriffsDepartment: Thisletterismyformalrequesttobeapprovedforaconcealedcarrypermitbythesheriffs, office.